Monday, January 11, 2010

Ooops.... I ran 3.5 miles!!!

*drum roll please*


That's MORE than a 5k and it was a total accident! Ha, let me explain...

As I've mentioned in past posts, I've recently started covering up the screen on my treadmill during runs. This way, I can't look at the statistics and get frustrated/disheartened with time, distance, pace, etc. I kept running and running and running and running without checking my time/distance for fear that I wouldn't  be as far as I thought. I didn't want to lose heart and feel defeated, so I just kept running until I thought I would be close to the scheduled 2.75 miles.

Soooo..... I was running my little heart out , with the screen covered, awesome music streaming through my Ipod and "Health" magazine in front of me, when I finally lifted the piece of aluminum foil (yes, I use aluminium foil because light won't show through from the screen.) from the screen, and saw my distance was "3.56". I literally shook my head and had to repeat the number over and over in my head until it registered that I had run just over 3.25 miles straight through without walking. (Note: I always run the first and last quarter mile of all my runs.)

I pushed through to 3.75 miles with a gigantic smile on my face and walked the final quarter miles for a total of 4 miles. I HAD JUST RUN 3.5 MILES!!!.... When the schedule only called for 2.75. HECK YEAH! ;-)

I'm absolutely exhausted and in need of some sleep, so that's just what this girl's gonna do. :o) I've got a man that is sure to snuggle me up on this cold night, so I'm outta here!

P.S. I JUST RAN 3.5 MILES!! ;-) Tehe


  1. YOU GO GIRL!!!! I am so happy for you!!!

  2. YES!!!

    Not FUNNY!!! I went to type this simple response and the security prompt was "URTHIC" or YOU ARE THICK!!! LOL
