Monday, November 23, 2009

Why dontcha (don't ya) just run!

I have every intention of making healthful decisions TODAY that will forever effect me TOMORROW.

This life statement sounds so good, but putting those words into action is where the difficulty comes in. That my friends, is the very reason I created this blog. It's a place to track my progress and encourage me to make the right decisions each day in regards to food and fitness.

For the past twelve months, I have made several promises to myself regarding the sport of running. My interest in running was peaked when a friend of mine was training for the Chicago Marathon last year. I went on a few runs with her and really, thoroughly enjoyed it but was discouraged by many things of which I'll cover in future posts.

The Disney Marathon in January 2010 was first on the agenda. I was "ready" to begin my training for this marathon, with little to no past experience in running long distances. This run was going to be for my dad, as I was going to raise money and awareness for the PKD foundation; the organization that represents the kidney disease my grandfather, father, brother and aunts have all been plagued with. The fund and awareness raising was going to be particularly for my dad since he was in the process of getting on the transplant list for a new kidney. More on that later.

Needless to say, my imagination got ahead of me and reality soon sank in when I realized just how long a marathon is and how much dedication it takes to train. The monster thought of a marathon squashed my ambitions and I quit before I even started.

Quitting the marathon training before it even started didn't take away the fact that I wanted to run. I would long to have a treadmill at home so I could run whenever I pleased. A treadmill would fix my dilemma. I could hop on there whenever I pleased. It would fix my inability to just lace up and run out the front door since I live in the sticks (country) and not in a neighborhood fit for running. Right?

WRONG! That treadmill has sat upstairs for a good two months, only being used about 10 times. What excuse do I have now? I don't have children yet, I work "normal" hours from 8 to 5 Monday through Friday and have a perfectly able and healthy body. That's right... there are none.

I've decided that if I can't "figure it out" now, before children and before life gets any crazier (which it will, I'm sure it will, it's inevitable) then I'll never figure it out. That may be a harsh and close minded statement, but I really think that it's only going to get harder from here; so why not (why dontcha) start today?

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