Friday, November 27, 2009

A Turkey Coma

Raise your hand if you were in a turkey coma today. Yep, just as I thought. I KNEW I wasn't the only one. It's a good thing most of us had the day off to recover from the festivities of Thanksgiving.

My family and close friends know that I'm not one to sit around, watch TV, take a nap, etc. Not that there's anything wrong with any of these tasks; I've just never enjoyed partaking in any of them. ;-P I always have something "better" to do and would rather keep "busy".  With this being said, today was quite the opposite, as I chose to partake in a day of rest... for the most part. Since Derek is sick, the couch and TV were our good friends today.  At one point, I made an effort to somewhat organize one of the upstairs bedrooms and attempted to move the treadmill to the other side of the room. I don't even think I was able to move it an inch before I gave up. I'll have to wait for my man to feel better so he can handle it. 

Around 3:30, I decided to get to work on my niece's cookies for her 1st birthday party.  They are going to be individually packed and handed out as party favors.  Aren't they adorable?!

I have a confession to make. Brace yourself. I taste tested. A lot. A lot of taste testing was done. OIY!

Needless to say, this day of a turkey coma must come to an end and I must pick myself up, dust off the sugar dust and move forward with my good-for-me goals. Who's with me?

My dad and I have planned to go for a nice walk tomorrow, to get some fresh air and make a good-for-us difference.

What are you doing this weekend to "recover" from the festivities?

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